The Music of the Great Smoky Mountai...
Malkin, Gary Remal


  • The Music of the Great Smoky Mountains = 煙山山脈
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: 煙山山脈
    其他作者: 摩金
    出版地: 臺北縣中和市
    出版者: 金革唱片;
    出版年: 2001[民90]
    面頁冊數: 1張音樂光碟片(約69分鐘)有聲 : 4 3/4吋;
    集叢名: 美國國家公園發燒系列
    標題: 輕音樂 -
    附註: RMM020006
    摘要註: Emmy award-winning composer Gary Remal Malkin paints the Smokies in orchestral colors, adding touches of mountain fiddle, Native American drums, and piano notes as soft and bright as raindrops. Appalachian melodies drift through like figments, presences from another time. A nostalgic solo flute calls out above shadowed chords, then contemporary music captures the dignity of our American ancestry and heralds a vision of hope for the future. Gary Remal Malkin and Real Music will donate 10
    內容註: , 1, The Journey, 2, Mountain Majesty, 3, Flight of the Hawk, 4, Appalachian Sunrise, 5, A Time Ago, 6, Ghosts on Old Settler's Trail, 7, Trail of Tears, 8, The Innocent Land, 9, Through the Veil of Time, 10, Settler's Waltz, 11, The Courage to Dream, 12, Napoleon's Retreat
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