

真相達文西 = Leonardo de Vinci
Garcia, Juliette.
真相林布蘭 = Rembrandt van Rijn
Garcia, Juliette.
真相拉斐爾 = Raphael Sanzio
Garcia, Juliette.
真相哥雅 = Francisco de Goya
Garcia, Juliette.
美國人氣俚語 = American's secret slang
Rotello, Gabriel.
手工藝品新浪潮 = Artisans reboot
七大死亡海洋 = Underwater universe
Adams, Jonathan.
人類解碼 = Mankind decoded : 12個革命揭示
鐵達尼號追緝錄 = Titanic : mystery solved
Bacon, Tony.
日常事物的史詩歷史 = The epic history of ever...
鐵達尼號追緝錄 = Titanic : mystery solved
Bacon, Tony.
聖女貞德之謎 = The real Joan of Arc
Meissonnier, Martin
樹中之聖 = The greatest tree on earth : 聖誕樹
Knobel-Ulrich, Rita
五大猛獸追蹤競賽 = Big 5 challenge
Partridge, Karen
致命盛夏 = Deadly summer
Scarborough, Andrew
by: Scarborough, Andrew
非洲神秘客 = Africa's secret seven
Boraine, Nick