CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group


Data mining with R : learning with c...
Torgo, Luís
Inventive engineering : knowledge an...
Arciszewski, Tomasz
Handbook of environmental engineering
Spellman, Frank R.
Securing systems : applied security ...
Ransome, James F.
Integrated reliability : condition m...
Osarenren, John Osarodion
Mechanical fastening, joining, and a...
Speck, James A. (1948-)
Advanced materials, mechanical and s...
Hong, Seung Ho
The global quality management system...
Patel, Suresh
The complete guide to cybersecurity ...
Kohnke, Anne
The green factory : creating lean an...
Found, Pauline
Future information engineering and m...
International Conference on Future Information Engineering and Manufacturing Science ((2014)
by: International Conference on Future Information Engineering and Manufacturing Science ((2014)
Mobile cloud computing : architectur...
De, Debashis
Integrated IT performance management
Bainey, Kenneth R.
Acting strategically using drama theory
Bryant, Jim
Managing growth and expansion into g...
Cook, Thomas A. (1953-)
Managing supply chain risk : integra...
Curkovic, Sime
The limits of resolution
De Villiers, Geoffrey.
by: De Villiers, Geoffrey.
Numerical methods for engineers and ...
Esfandiari, Ramin S.
Capitalizing on lean production syst...
Harris, Chris (1976-)
Distributed networks : intelligence,...
Memon, Qurban A.
Power mechanisms of rotational and c...
Groper, Morel
Anti-spam techniques based on artifi...
Tan, Ying (1964-)
The monetary value of time : why tra...
Warnacut, Joyce I.
Value dominant logic : helping indiv...
Mahajan, Gautam (1946-)
Nanofinishing science and technology...
Jain, V. K. (1948-)
Data analytics = effective methods f...
Nargundkar, Satish
Big data strategies for agile busine...
Unhelkar, Bhuvan
Information technology and organizat...
Langer, Arthur M.
Circuit analysis with PSpice : a sim...
Sabah, Nassir H.
A concise introduction to hypercompl...
Katunin, Andrezej
Plates and shells : theory and analysis
Ugural, A. C.
Internet infrastructure : networking...
Fox, Richard (1964-)
Renewable energy devices and systems...
Blaabjerg, Frede
Energy storage : systems and components
Rufer, Alfred
Mechatronics and the design of intel...
Bradley, D. A.
Exascale scientific applications : s...
Antypas, Katerina
Smart electricity distribution networks
Wang, Chengshan (1962-)
by: Wang, Chengshan (1962-)
Quality management in construction p...
Rumane, Abdul Razzak
Clustering and routing algorithms fo...
Jana, Prasanta K.
Electric and plug-in hybrid vehicle ...
Crisostomi, Emanuele (1980-)
Robust control engineering : practic...
Garcia-Sanz, Mario
Acceptance sampling in quality control
Neubauer, Dean V.
Control and dynamics in power system...
Fan, Lingling (1973-)
Big data management and processing
Jiang, Hai
Harmonic generation effects propagat...
Das, J. C. (1934-)