Amsterdam University Press


Cookies, coleslaw, and stoops : the ...
Nederlandse Taalunie.
Bastard culture! : how user particip...
Schafer, Mirko Tobias.
The making of the humanities. Volume...
Bod, Rens (1965-)
Inside installations : theory and pr...
Scholte, Tatja (1953-)
Looking for lines : theories on the ...
Akker, Paul van den.
Vincent everywhere : Van Gogh's (int...
Esner, Rachel.
Asian literary voices : from margina...
Williams, Philip F.
Shanghai literary imaginings : a cit...
Scheen, Lena.
South Asian partition fiction in Eng...
Women's writing from the Low Countri...
Gemert, Lia van (1958-)
Women's writing from the low countri...
Bel, Jacqueline (1958-)
Heritage and tourism : places, image...
Alvarez, Maria D.