Longman Scientific & TechnicalWiley


Lectures on the spectrum of L [Gamma]
Williams, Floyd L.
Orientational averaging in mechanics...
Lagzdins, A.
An introduction to intersection homo...
Kirwan, Frances Clare (1959-)
by: Kirwan, Frances Clare (1959-)
Computational fluid dynamics : an in...
Abbott, Michael B.
by: Bolton, W. (1933-)
by: Bolton, W (1933-)
by: Karpilovsky, Gregory (1940-)
by: Halle Conference on Complex Analysis and Its Applicationsto Partial Differential Equations ((1988))
Emerging applications in free bounda...
Chadam, John M.
Mathematical aspects of penetrative ...
Straughan, B.
Mathematical problems of classical n...
Bloom, Frederick (1944-)
Algebraic and spectral methods for n...
Asano, N. (1940-)
Hughes electrical technology
Hughes, Edward (1888-)
by: Hughes, Edward (1888-)
Global geomorphology : an introducti...
Summerfield, M. A.
Nonlinear dynamics and pattern forma...
Doelman, A.
Nonlinear hyperbolic equations and f...
Murthy, M. K. V.
Progress in partial differential equ...
Chipot, M
Fluid dynamical aspects of combustio...
Onofri, M.
Fundamentals of nuclear magnetic res...
Hennel, Jacek W.
An introduction to asymmetric solita...
Engelbrekht, IUrii K.
An introduction to random vibrations...
Newland, D. E.
Smoothness and renormings in Banach ...
Deville, R.
Propagation of a curved shock and no...
Prasad, Phoolan
Basic soil mechanics
Whitlow, R (1932-)
by: Whitlow, R (1932-)
The Development of statistics : rece...
Chen, X. R (1934-)
Differential equations and control t...
Barbu, Viorel
Differential geometry : a symposium ...
Carmo, Manfredo Perdigao do
Distributions and pseudo-differentia...
Zaidman, Samuel (1933-)
Dynamical systems : Santiago de Chil...
Bamon, R. (1951-)
Limit algebras : an introduction to ...
Power, S. C.
Local cohomology and localization
Bueso, J. L. (1949-)
by: Bueso, J. L. (1949-)
Random fields estimation theory
Ramm, A. G.
Riemann waves and their applications
Kalinowski, Marek Wojciech
by: Kalinowski, Marek Wojciech
Gas turbine theory
Cohen, Henry (1921 Sept. 29-)
by: Cohen, Henry (1921 Sept. 29-)
Geometric function theory and applic...
Halle Conference on Complex Analysis and Its Applicationsto Partial Differential Equations ((1988))
by: Halle Conference on Complex Analysis and Its Applicationsto Partial Differential Equations ((1988))
Geometry and analysis in nonlinear d...
Broer, H. W. (1950-)
Geometry in the neighborhood of inva...
Kirchgraber, Urs (1945-)
Global classical solutions for nonli...
Chen, Yunmei
Graph colourings
Nelson, Roy
by: Nelson, Roy
Hardy-type inequalities
Kufner, Alois
by: Kufner, Alois
Harmonic maps into homogeneous spaces
Black, Malcolm
Operator algebras and operator theor...
Arveson, William
Operator theory : proceedings of the...
Conway, John B.
Ordinary and delay differential equa...
Hale, Jack K.
Partial differential equations with ...
Begehr, Heinrich G. W.
Progress in partial differential equ...
Bandle, Catherine (1943-)
Quantum mechanics, algebras, and dis...
Dubin, D. A.
Two-parameter eigenvalue problems in...
Faierman, M.