Chapman and Hall


Introduction to optimization methods...
Everitt, Brian
Optical waveguide theory
Love, J. D.
Principles of applied geophysics
Parasnis, D. S.
Probabilistic Methods in Structural ...
Augu, sti G.
Computer-integrated manufacturing ha...
Hunt, V. Daniel.
Mechatronics : Japan's newest threat
Hunt, V. Daniel.
Smart robots : a handbook of intelli...
Hunt, V. Daniel
Telecommunications engineering
Dunlop, J.
Journal of Materials Science. Materi...
Chapman and Hall
Catalysis at Surfaces
Campbell Ian M.
by: Campbell Ian M.
Elements of Export Marketing and Man...
Branch Alan E.
Journal of Materials Science. Materi...
Mechatronics : Japan's newest threat
Hunt V. Daniel.
Mechatronics:Japan's newest threat
V. Daniel Hunt