Little Brown


A dream of passion : the development...
Morphos, Evangeline.
Washington D.C. : a novel
Vidal Gore (1925-)
by: Vidal Gore (1925-)
Tintin and the picaros
Herge (1907-)
by: Herge (1907-)
20,000 leagues under the sea
Jules Verne
The lovely bones : a novel
Sebold Alice.
Gordon Robert J. (1940-)
by: Gordon Robert J. (1940-)
Manhattan style
Esten John (1935-)
by: Esten John (1935-)
River cross my heart
Clarke Breena.
by: Clarke Breena.
Tintin and the picaros
Herge[i.e. G. R幦y translated byLeslieLonsdale-Cooper and
by: Herge[i.e. G. R幦y translated byLeslieLonsdale-Cooper and
The pilot's wife : a novel
Shreve Anita.
The pilot's wife : a novel
Shreve Anita.