A. A. Balkema


Applications of Statistics and Proba...
Melchers, Robert E.
Tubular Structures IX
Herion, S.
Tunnels and Underground Structures
Krishnan, Rajan
Soft clay behaviour : analysis and a...
Miura, N.
Rock mechanics proceedings of the 35...
Daemen, Jaak J. K.
Clay Science for Engineering
Adachi, K.
Compaction of Soils,Granulates and P...
Fellin, W.
Computer methods and advances in geo...
Desai, Chandra S.
Creative Systems in Structural and C...
Singh, Amarjit
Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Struc...
Borst, Rene de
Shotcrete : Engineering Developments
Bernard, E. Stefan
Piling and Deep Foundations
Institute, Deep Foundations
by: Institute, Deep Foundations
Powders and Grains 2001
Kishino, Y.