Stanford University Press


The Chinese city between two worlds
Elvin, Mark
Knowledge, Belief, and Witchcraft : ...
Hallen, Barry
Dangerous women,deadly words : phall...
Cornyetz, Nina
Monolingualism of the other : or,The...
Derrida, Jacques
The evolution of human societies : f...
Earle Timothy K.
Chaucerian polity : absolutist linea...
Political change and industrial deve...
Smith, Thomas C. (1916-)
Articulations of difference : gender...
Fisher, Dominique D.
James Joyce's Judaic other
Bloom,leopold(fictitious character)
by: Bloom,leopold(fictitious character)
James Joyce,Ulysses,and the construc...
Davison, Neil R.
Works and lives : the anthropologist...
Geertz Clifford.
The Allocation of economic resources...
Abramovitz Moses (1912-)
Resistances of psychoanalysis
Hamacher, Werner
by: Hamacher, Werner
Ideology,power,text : self-represent...
Feuerwerker, Yi-tsi Mei
by: Miller, J. Hillis1928-
by: Schehr, Lawrence R.
by: Handwerk, Gary
by: Rheinberger, Hans-Jorg
by: Yehuda Grunfeld