Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.


Exploring english. teacher's resourc...
Harris, Tim
NeXT development tools
NeXT Developer's Library
by: NeXT Developer's Library
NeXTsep reference
NeXT Developer's Library
by: NeXT Developer's Library
A C user's guide to ANSI C
Arnold, Ken
Object oriented program design : wit...
Mullin, Mark
Object-oriented programming for arti...
Tello, Ernest R.
Objects in action : commerical appli...
Harmon, Paul
Unix program development for IBM PCs...
Yager, Thomas
by: Harris, Tim
Exploring english. teacher's resourc...
Harris, Tim
The feynman lectures on physics : ma...
Feynman, Richard P.
For your information
Blanchard, Karen
by: Blanchard, Karen
Going places : picture-based english...
Burton, Eric
Going places : picture-based english...
Burton, Eric
Multinational business finance
Eiteman, David K.
by: Eiteman, David K.
The Unicode standard : worldwide cha...
The Unicode Consortium
The VLSI Designer's Library
Mathews Robert
Adaptive Pattern Recognition And Neu...
Pao,, Yoh-Han
For your information
Blanchard, Karen
by: Blanchard, Karen
by: Harris, Tim
Going places : picture-based english...
Burton, Eric
Exploring english. teacher's resourc...
Harris, Tim
Going places : picture-based english...
Burton, Eric
Concurrent engineering : the product...
Baker, Barbara Stilwell
Sound, music, and signal processing ...
NeXT Developer's Library
Programming languages : an interpret...
Kamin, Samuel N.
The Unicode standard:worldwide chara...
The Unicode Consortium
Business communication : ten steps t...
Lougheed, Lin
Business correspondence : letters, f...
Lougheed, Lin
Database:theory and practice
Lars Frank
The practice of econometrics classic...
Ernst R. Berndt
Common LISP programming for artifici...
John Domingue
ABIOS for IBM PS/2 computers and com...