PWS Pub. Co.


Introduction to the theory of comput...
Sipser, Michael
Principles of electronic circuits
Bond Paul R.
Feedback control problems : using MA...
Chow, J. H. (1951-)
Elementary linear algebra
Bishop, Wayne (1942-)
by: Bishop, Wayne (1942-)
Linear algebra with applications
Nicholson, W. Keith.
by: Nicholson, W. Keith.
Visual simulation with student VisSim
Darnell, Karen
Power semiconductor devices
Baliga, B. Jayant (1948-)
by: Baliga, B. Jayant (1948-)
Statistics for engineering problem s...
Vardeman, Stephen B.
Digital signal processing using MATL...
Ingle Vinay K.
An introduction to mathematical logic
Hodel, Richard E.
Analysis and design of digital syste...
Dewey, Allen M. (1956-)
Digital signal processing using MATL...
K., Vinay
Data structures : a pseudocode appro...
Forouzan Behrouz A.
Expert systems : principles and prog...
Giarratano Joseph C.