內容註: |
Introduction / Peter J. Bailey -- Contributor biographies and keywords -- Biography/autobiography/auteurism. Cecilia Sayad: Standup auteur -- Colleen Glenn: Which Woody Allen? -- Gilles Menegaldo: Woody Allen and France -- Christopher Knight: Raging in the dark: late style in Woody Allen's films -- John Macready: "A difficult redemption: facing the other in Woody Allen's exilic period -- Robert M. Polhemus: Comic faith and its discontents: death and the late Woody Allen -- Movies about the movies. Stephen Papson: Critical theory and the cinematic world of Woody Allen -- Gregg Bachman: Crimes and misdemeanors: reflections on reflexivity -- Claire Sisco King: Play it again, Woody: self-reflexive critique in contemporary Woody Allen films -- Christopher Ames: Jazz heaven: Woody Allen and the Hollywood ending -- Allen and his sisters: cultural critiques. Cynthia Lucia: "Here -- it's not their cup of tea": Woody Allen's melodramatic tendencies in Interiors, September, Another woman, and Alice -- Joanna E. Rapf: It's complicated, really: women in the films of Woody Allen -- Renee R. Curry: Woody Allen's grand scheme: The whitening of Manhattan, London, and Barcelona -- Katherine Fusco: Love and citation in Midnight in Paris: remembering modernism, remembering Woody -- Influences/intertextualities. William Brigham: Taking the tortoise for a walk: Woody Allen as fla??eur -- Iris Bruce: Lurking in shadows: Kleinman's trial and defense -- William Hutchings: Woody Allen and the literary canon -- J. Andrew Gothard: Who's he when he's at home?: a census of Woody Allen's literary, philosophical and artistic allusions -- Menachem Feuer: The schlemiel in Woody Allen's later films -- Brian Bergen-Aurand: Barcelona: city of refuge -- Philosophy/religion. Mark T. Conard: Woody Allen and the (false) dichotomy of science and religion -- David Detmer: The philosopher as filmmaker -- Patrick Murray and Jeanne A. Schuler: Disappearing act: the trick philosophy of Woody Allen -- Sander Lee: Love, meaning, and God in the later films of Woody Allen -- Monica Osborne: Hollywood rabbi: probing the never-ending questions of Woody Allen -- Richard A. Blake: Woody Allen's random universe in his European cycle: morality, marriage, magic -- Afterword: The abyss: Woody Allen on love, death, and God / Sam B. Girgus |