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Works: 10 works in 9 publications in 1 languages
國共戰爭時期中國軍用飛機 = Military aircraft in the Chinese=; civil war by: 劉文孝; 陳應明 (Language materials, printed) , [編著]
飛行戰彩 : 空軍的塗裝與徽誌 by: 劉文孝 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
失落的巫毒飛行員 by: 劉文孝 (Language materials, printed) , [總編輯]
中國之翼. 第四輯 by: 劉文孝 (Language materials, printed) , [執編]
中國之翼. 第三輯 by: 劉文孝 (Language materials, printed) , [編著]
中國之翼[CHINESE AIR FORCE IN ACTION SERIES 1] by: 劉文孝 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
中共空軍史 = The history of the PLA air force by: 劉文孝 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
奪機大逃亡 by: 中國; 劉文孝 (Language materials, printed) , [執編]
抗日戰爭時期 = The aircrafts of Chinese air for : 中國空軍飛機=The aircrafts of Chinese air for by: 劉文孝; 田鍾秀; 陳應明 (Language materials, printed) , [補校]
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