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Dahl, Roald

Works: 23 works in 23 publications in 2 languages
George's marvelous medicine by: Blake, Quentin; Dahl, Roald (Language materials, printed)
The magic finger by: Blake, Quentin; Dahl, Roald (Language materials, printed)
The giraffe and the pelly and me by: Blake, Quentin; Dahl, Roald (Language materials, printed)
Matilda by: Blake, Quentin; Dahl, Roald (Language materials, printed)
Danny. the champion of the world by: Blake, Quentin; Dahl, Roald (Language materials, printed)
Matilda by: Dahl, Roald (Language materials, printed)
瑪迪達 by: Dahl, Roald; 何風儀; 達爾 ((Dahl, Roald)) (Language materials, printed)
The BFG by: Blake, Quentin; Dahl, Roald (Language materials, printed)
The twits by: Dahl, Roald (Language materials, printed)
The BFG by: Dahl, Roald (Language materials, printed)
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