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London, Jack.

Works: 8 works in 8 publications in 2 languages
野性的呼喚 by: London, Jack.; 倫敦 ((London, Jack)); 施智璋 (Language materials, printed)
海狼 by: London, Jack.; 倫敦 ((London, Jack)); 許奇楠 (Language materials, printed)
野性的呼喚 = The call of the wild by: London, Jack.; 倫敦 ((London, Jack)); 吳凱雯; 楊宛靜 (Language materials, printed)
馬丁.伊登 by: London, Jack.; 倫敦 ((London, Jack)); 蔡為熞 (Language materials, printed)
亞當之前 by: London, Jack.; 倫敦 ((London, Jack)); 施智璋 (Language materials, printed)
The call of the wild by: Klondike River Valley (Yukon); London, Jack. (Language materials, printed)
海狼 by: London, Jack.; 倫敦 ((London, Jack)); 鄧京 (Language materials, printed)
White fang by: London, Jack. (Language materials, printed)
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