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Institute for International Economics (U.S.)

Works: 4 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
Reconcilable differences? : United States-Japan economic conf by: Bergsten, C. Fred (1941-); Institute for International Economics (U.S.); Japan; Noland, Marcus (1959-); United States (Language materials, printed)
International adjustment and financing : the lessons of 1985- by: Bergsten C. Fred (1941-); Institute for International Economics (U.S.) (Language materials, printed)
World economic problems by: Elliott Kimberly Ann (1960-); Institute for International Economics (U.S.); Williamson John (1937-) (Language materials, printed)
Japan in the world economy by: Balassa, Bela A.; Institute for International Economics (U.S.); Japan; Noland, Marcus (1959-) (Language materials, printed)
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