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Works: 45 works in 41 publications in 2 languages
山與水之間 : 從多瑙河到喀爾巴阡山, 跨越中歐大地的偉大壯遊 by: Fermor, Patrick Leigh; 弗莫 ((Fermor, Patrick Leigh)); 歐洲; 胡洲賢; 黃方田 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
巴塔哥尼亞高原上 by: Chatwin, Bruce.; 南美洲; 查特文 ((Chatwin, Bruce)); 胡洲賢 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
謎宮 by: 凱特.摩斯; 胡洲賢 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
毒占 : 魔靈射手 by: 凱倫.厄文; 繆靜玫; 胡洲賢 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
三個深呼吸 : 呼吸中學會專注與轉移,在壓力下雙贏 by: Crum, Thomas F.; 克洛姆 ((Crum, Thomas F.)); 胡洲賢 (Language materials, printed)
火星炙 by: 凱倫.厄文; 胡洲賢 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
展開餐巾紙 = Unfolding the napkin : the hands-on method for solving complex problems with simple pictures by: 丹.羅姆 (Dan Roam); 胡洲賢 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
有話直說 by: So, ny; 李伊 ((Lee,lacoc)); 胡洲賢 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
鯨魚哲學 by: 肯布蘭佳; 胡洲賢 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
火星狂暴螫 by: 厄文凱倫; 胡洲賢 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
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